GLOBELI COACHING, LLC, is a life and leadership development company providing education, training, and coaching to individuals and organizations desiring transformational results. GLOBELI COACHING was established in 2015 and founded on the principle that people can succeed anywhere they choose.
VISION: "Globally Empowering People"
MISSION: GLOBELI COACHING is a trusted partner that provides education, training, and coaching to professionals who are ready for a change, but want to get clarity on creating a vision, discovering their strengths, and ultimately transform their lives, career, or business.
Beli Dominguez
Founder & CEO
Beli Dominguez is the founder of GLOBELI COACHING, LLC, a life, and leadership development company providing education, training, and coaching to individuals and organizations desiring transformational results. She is a writer, speaker, leadership trainer, an accomplished certified professional coach. Beli is a certified Senior Human Resource Professional with more than 21 years of leadership experience in both military and corporate settings. She has a strong depth and breadth of experience guiding an array of human resources functions such as Employee Relations, Ethics, Learning Operations, Education & Training, Diversity Programs, Talent Recruiting, and HR Strategy. A native of Puerto Rico, she is fluent in both English and Spanish.
Beli is also an experienced certified Lean Black Belt facilitator and has led teams in the development and implementation of process and culture change solutions for different organizations. She graduated from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor with a Bachelor of Art in Psychology and commissioned as an Air Force officer in 1999, serving more than 21 years. Furthermore, she completed her Master of Education in Counseling and Human Development from Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene, Texas. Moreover, Beli completed her coach training with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and is an International Coach Federation (ICF) certified coach.
Beli is active in her community and is a member of the International Coaching Federation. Moreover, she recently created a community based group called Empowered International Women’s Group based in San Antonio, Texas and has expanded the group to Germany. This community was created in line with her company’s mission of “globally empowering people” and will specifically provide a safe space for women to share ideas, professional and personal learning opportunities, and create a community for women to be empowered to pursue their passions. The goal is to expand this network globally in collaboration with other women empowerment organizations.
Beli believes everyone has unlimited potential and the freedom to lead with purpose. As a coach, she always put her client’s needs first, challenges limiting beliefs, and empowers them to pursue their passion! Her approach to coaching is utilizing the Core Energy Process which empowers the client to make his or her own decisions through tapping into their "core" thoughts and emotions. This is the motivation that will help the client maintain the focus and the drive required to achieve long lasting and meaningful results.